Parent Advisory Committee

Our Parent Advisory Committee is made up of currently enrolled families with an interest in building and maintaining a sense of community at Oakland Garden School. Working closely with school leadership, the PAC is involved in several aspects of the school. Members organize and support school events, volunteer opportunities and activities, act as liaison between staff, leadership, parents, and the community as a whole, and share ideas for building and supporting the mission of creating extraordinary experiences and a sense of community for our children.

Committee Members

Allie Hu-Nguyen

Seedlings parent

Emma Hiza

Sprouts parent & Treasurer

Ashley Walter-Pacheco

Acorns parent  

Rikki Ward

Acorns parent

Ashita Saluja

Acorns parent  

Miranda Jones

Pinecones parent

Jessica Brodie

Pinecones parent  

Heidi Schotti

Pinecones parent

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Bread Pick-up

Oakland Garden School Events

See our calendar for a full listing of events. Outside of school organized events like graduation, Parent Advisory Committee organizes welcome brunches and potlucks where the OGS parent community can connect on school grounds.